Our Principles


Our Policy is to continuously satisfy the customers through our high standard quality products with an effective quality management system.

Nyumba Principles

Family-Centric Values:

Our core belief is that everyone connected to our group of companies, be it our dedicated employees, valued customers, trusted suppliers, or essential stakeholders, is an integral part of our extended family. We firmly believe that a family that thrives together excels together.

Responsibility as Action:

We define responsibility as the ability to take meaningful action. When a situation calls for it, we actively engage to address it. We prioritize responsiveness to address the needs effectively.

Embracing Humility in Duty:

As you entered this world with nothing, you shall depart with nothing, It‘s the journey in between that matters. We encourage all to embrace humility in duty, through adherence to a code of righteousness and ethics.

Quality Value and Service

Our commitment to excellence in quality, value, and service drives our decision-making, shapes our culture, and sets us apart in the market. It is a pledge to our customers and partners that they can always expect the best from us.

Build for Generations

"Build for Generations" is not just a slogan; it is a commitment to creating a better future for all. We understand that our actions today shape the world of tomorrow, and we embrace this responsibility with dedication and foresight. We strive to leave a lasting, positive mark on the world and the generations that will follow.

To summarize it in one quote:

‘No enterprise can exist for itself alone. It ministers to some great need, it performs some great service, not for itself, but for others; or failing therein, it ceases to be profitable and ceases to exist.‘

Calvin Coolidge

30th President of the United States of America


Sustainability Policies

Mombasa Cement is highly cognizant of the importance of sustainable manufacturing and has championed sustainable production in the industry since it entered the market. The company is constantly developing and refining its internal sustainability models and strives for consistent, responsive approaches and strategies that promote sustainable manufacturing practices. To achieve this goal, the company has restructured its operations specifically to align internal policies with international peers.

Mombasa Cement has embraced efficient kiln designs, use of alternative fuels, and optimization of process parameters help minimize energy consumption and emissions during clinker production. The produced clinker is finely ground with gypsum and other additives to produce cement. Energy-efficient grinding technologies, such as vertical roller mills, are used to reduce energy consumption and increase cement fineness.

Thermal Heat Recovery

Thermal Heat generated during the cement manufacturing process at MCL facilities is captured and utilized in the facilities for power generation. This heat would normally be released into the environment as a waste product in the manufacturing process.

Use of alternative fuel sources

MCL has embraced the use of alternative fuels such as biomass, waste-derived fuels and alternative raw materials helping to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels and minimize greenhouse gas emissions associated with cement production.

Investing in Renewable Energy Solutions

MCL has invested in renewable sources of energy to supplement the company’s reliance on fossil fuels. Electricity generated by solar PV systems is used to power various aspects of the cement manufacturing process, including lighting, conveyor belts, crushers, and other machinery. By relying on clean, renewable energy from solar power, MCL aims to reduce the facility’s carbon footprint and decrease operational costs associated with electricity consumption.

Dust-Capture in Cement Manufacturing

MCL’s plant utilizes dust capture methods in the cement manufacturing process which significantly reduces dust emissions and prevents air pollution. This includes dust filters and electrostatic precipitators to ensure minimal dust escape.

Automation of processes at our facilities

With advancement in technology and processes, MCL’s facilities have moved to automate as many processes as possible. This increases overall productivity as the processes become more energy efficient. It also minimizes wastage and errors made during production.

Social Responsibility Policy

At Mombasa Cement Limited, we recognize our social responsibilities as a corporate citizen. In this regard we provide limited financial and material support to projects within those areas we operate. We are also determined to contribute to the development of manpower needs.

We manage a number of projects in relation to youth development and children’s of tender age by involving them in games and tournaments that foster their mental development and embark on generous donations for education of children by assisting their school fees which keep them away from drugs and other mischief.

Health and Safety are also absolute priorities for the company with implementation of stringent safety policy for our employees and subcontractors. Mombasa Cement Limited prides itself in being the safest company in its sector and has achieved significant reduction in both the frequency and the gravity of work –related accidents due to its strong Health and Safety Management System which defines the minimum safety levels required for all employees. arise.

All Mombasa Cement Limited employees are committed to respecting certain rules to ensure the greatest levels of health and Safety within the company.

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Workers Welfare and Safety

To achieve a zero fatal accident level and keep lost time injuries to minimum, Mombasa Cement Limited:


Informs its employees and subcontractors about risks related to their activities and provide appropriate training.


Supervises the systematic application of safety standards.


Implements procedure for reporting incidents and undertakes regular audits to minimize them.


Identifies and communicates best practices and drives their adoption across all work sites


Undertaking road safety campaigns for the overall safety of the employees.

We have an unwavering commitment to our social responsibility program; it’s good for business, and we know it’s the right thing to do.

Robert J. Fisher

If you have a cause that you feel we can help?

Mombasa Cement Limited (MCL) is one of East Africa’s leading cement producer with an annual capacity of 5.6 million metric tonnes. MCL is the most technologically advanced and environmentally friendly cement producers in East Africa.

A member of the

Addresses & Contacts

New Mombasa-Nairobi Road, Mikindani

P.O. Box 83594 - 80100,

Mombasa, Kenya.


+254 722 204848

+254 727 605899

+254 733 615465



© 2022 Mombasa Cement Ltd